对于动视暴雪的员工来说,2021 年是艰难的一年,而且坏消息似乎还将继续。据知情人士透露,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 已对动视暴雪以及最近有关工作场所骚扰和不当行为的报道展开广泛调查。
报告来了,有消息来源看到了与调查有关的文件。 The report says that Activision and several of its top executives, including CEO Bobby Kotick, have been subpoenaed as a part of the proceedings.
The documents show that the SEC is after materials including the minutes of board meetings from 2019, personnel files from six former employees, and the separation agreements that were made with staffers earlier this year.调查特别关注科蒂克与其他管理层之间关于性骚扰和其他不当行为投诉的通信。
克里斯·贾拉德 (Chris Jarrard) 喜欢玩游戏、播放音乐以及在不起眼的在线留言板上寻找打斗信息。他明白早餐是唯一真正的食物。不要@他。